Both of my boys, my husband and my son, are dozing off right now as I type this. It's 2 am and I am enjoying my tumbler full of milk and cream-0 and dewberry on the side. I have just finished quite a challenging day. Baby is a little fuzzy and won't be pacified. Thanks to my Mama whose been such an angel for helping me throughout this whole motherhood thing.
It's still quite a surprise I have time to blog- or even write. Sometimes I fear my mind is so busy with all the screams and tiredness inside that I have forgotten how to listen to my "writing voice". Good thing my baby nowadays has longer sleeping time that I have more time for myself.
I have prepared myself for this, I know well enough that motherhood
Yesterday, I was watching this Youtube video showing a daughter asking her mother "Mom, what have you lost when you had me?" The mother answered "Youth". I choked after hearing Mom's answer because I can totally understand. Youth, in that sense, is not just being young-- but more of being naive. A lot of things you will learn on being a mother, but most importantly, you will learn how to be totally selfless. Now I know why the Holy Bible tells us that the greatest love is when you are willing to give your life to a person. I was naive to that kind of love- but now I can totally understand. I know most women lose themselves along the process but they are genuinely happy nonetheless. Some may experience postpartum anxieties, some fatigue or depression, but I believe all mothers are genuinely joyful because for once they have learned how to truly love..and the more a mother lose herself for her child, the more full her heart is. I know it's confusing, but once you become a Mom, you will understand.
The half of the year has been full of stories, but mostly the highlight is all about being a first time mother. I will share my birth story one of these days, and let me tell you, growing a child inside you and giving birth to it is the most surreal thing a woman will experience. It is painful yes, but quite victorious. I will save that to my birth story.
Since it has been a long time since I did this Pieces of my Month kind of thing, I will share snaps from January this year up to this date.
I was already 8 months pregnant at that time and my belly was effin huge. With my OB's consent, we visited my mother's hometown at Villasis, Pangasinan where most of my Ninangs reside. It was the last travel Mimel and I had before we officially became parents.
Come February and it was already my Kabuwanan and after doing some last minute nesting, at 37 weeks (and 6 days) we welcomed our first born.
By March, we were adjusting to this whole parenting thing. It was a mixture of happiness and hardships. But all in all, our little baby has become our bundle of joy. Every 17th of the month, we try to celebrate his monthsary as a thanksgiving. We celebrate with cake and some palabok or spaghetti on the side with the whole family.
April when we decided it's time for him to be baptized in Catholic Church. At that time he was on his second month. We celebrated with our closest friends in a simple lunch done in our home.
May when we started going out as a family, and I think I have adjusted quite well enough in this parenting thing. I am also starting to feel like my old self, eating most food I can't eat when I was pregnant, going out with some friends, and taking care of my body.
June when I went back to blogging and finished a little series called "Wedding Bliss" where I talk some of my shenanigans during wedding planning. I also decided to tweak the layout of this blog and I loved every bit of it. By August, hopefully, I will be able to buy my own domain, a birthday gift I long to receive.
My son is now about to wake up, so need to park this keyboard for now. Hopefully the next half of the year, if not better, will be as marvellous as the first half.
Time to tend to my little one...
Till my next post,

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