Today, I sat down and think about my remaining years before turning 40 (As of this writing, I have less than a decade). What do I want to do? Who do I want to be? So, I decided to create this 40 before 40 list for my future self-- my 40-year-old self. That one day, when I look back on my life, I hope to see a happy 40-something gal, someone who didn't put her life to waste, someone who consciously live a marvellous life.
- Have a fulfilling career
- Start a side-business
Be debt-freeCreate an emergency fundStart a baby fund for my son- Buy my own car
Learn how to drive- Start paying for a house and lot
- Heave and cleave
- Touch the Eiffel Tower in Paris
- Eat Kimchi in Korea
- Visit my relatives in Italy
Island Hopping in El nido- See what's the fuss about Boracay island
- Get a blog domain
Have my article published in a magazine- Join a singing contest on national TV
- Undergo Pap smear
- Have a cleaning at the dentist
Buy that lipstick already- Take a post grad course
Get marriedHave a baby- Go to a concert of my favorite artist
- Splurge in a haircut
- Stick to an exercise routine for a month
- Attain a healthy BMI
- Date my parents
- Publish a book
Climb a mountain- Handle a charity event
- Enroll in a voice lesson
- Hire a professional to tweak this blogsite
- Buy my very own ukulele
- Speak in front of the public professionally
- Take my son on a date he would always remember
Renew my vow with my husband- Totally quit nail biting
Join a married couples group- Read the bible from cover to cover
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