Lately, my mind has been filled with lots of make-up goals such as going pro, make-up schools, products to invest on, getting a freelance traincase, etc. etc. I am literally planning how to take this make-up fantasy into the next level. You see, it is easy to put make-up on my face, but to do it on other people is a whole new different thing. Oh, well, I think I just have to figure out my next step.
Along with this fantasy, I have also been sketching A LOT of make-up looks so that I will not forget the idea I have in my mind. If you follow me on instagram (@grachelicious), you will know how much my feed has been filled with sketches and how I did it on my eyes. I believe this is a good start of my own portfolio and so that if the time comes, I will have a nice "make-up designs" to refer to.
One of the first sketches that I did is this purple-ish smokey eyes.
Purple is one of my favorite colors to work my eyes with. I just think that purple looks perfect in black or brown eyes (like most Filipinas have). In this sketch, I want a lighter color on my lids, then a dark violet on the outer v. I want it nice and blended together but still the colors are very distinct to each other. Of course, highlighting the inner corner is a must because it opens up my hooded asian eyes.
Here's the final look:
1. Put brown eyeshadow to the outer corner - it should be very very very blended as this will serve as transition color so that all colors will cohere with each other.
2. Put shimmery purple eyeshadow on the lid -- pack it in.
3. Then, put dark violet on the outer corner using a domed brush to blend the edges of the purple eyeshadow. BLEND BLEND BLEND.. I have to stress how important BLENDING is. This is the key to a beautiful eye make-up.
4. Smoked it out by putting a tiny amount of dark gray eyeshadow on the outer V.
5. Put little amount of pink shimmer on the inner corner to open up your eyes.
That's it!
You now have an amazing purple haze eyes!
I will update this post to give a little infographics (or is that what you call it) on how to do this look.
Thanks so much guys!
Happy days!
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