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Showing posts from January, 2017

Marionnaud Angled Brush

I think one of the unsung heroes of makeup is an angled brush. You see, if ever I will have one brush left in me, I would choose this brush alone because one, you can get your brows on fleek with this. Second, you can create a fine winged liner with this. Third, you can use it to create a sultry cut crease on your eyes. So versatile eh? Now speaking of angled brushes, one of my all time favorite angled liner is from Marionnaud. They have two variants of this brush, one is a short, the other is longer one. I have both of them and they work really great, the only difference is the length. (I am not sure though if the short one is already phase out since I had them since few years ago.) Marionnaud creates beautiful inexpensive brushes and this one is no different. The short one has a black shiny handle and a bit wider while the long one has matte velvety design and smaller brush. Confused? Well, never mind, they are almost identical though. As you can see in the f...

Catrice All-round Concealer - Makeup Forever Corrector Dupe?

I think it has been years since I first heard the word "corrector" in makeup artistry, but I never really feel the need to acquire it since I am fine with the ordinary concealer and foundation, plus I wasn't a makeup artist back then. But since I have finally started to become a freelance makeup artist, I realized I needed to have correctors in my kit since some clients need a little bit of cover up. As a makeup artist, I needed to be prepared with anything. So, when I saw CATRICE ALL AROUND CONCEALER at Watsons, I had this urge to try it. For one, it looks like an inexpensive dupe for Makeup Forever Corrector. It has five shades- one green, one orange, and three neutral concealer shades. Each pan is almost the size of  five peso coin, encased in a sleek transparent hard plastic material. It fits perfectly in my traincase and it saves space too since I don't have to carry a lot of color correctors. Nice packaging. Likes! CATRICE COLOR C...

Guess who's back?

Hello blogsphere! How you doin?! Wow! It feels good to finally be back after a looong hiatus. I admit I miss creating paragraphs for this blog and I am just happy to finally touch my keyboard and write again. I know I should be doing a run down of my 2016 but to be honest, 2016 is the worst year of my life, I hated it so much that I just wanted to bid goodbye and move on to 2017. I will not go on with the details but my 2016 is filled with disappointments, loneliness, heartbreak, illness, and even death of a loved-one. I experienced major problems far from my maturity level that I feel like going back to beauty blogging is least of my interests. But then as I slowly recover and move forward, I realized how much I missed writing and doing beauty-related stuff. Blogging is one hobby that makes me happy and I think that we should always do what makes us happy no matter how hard life can be. So, here I am again making a comeback and I plan to do some revamping on this blog. After all...

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My PIERCINGS- Accidents, Stories, Reasons.. etc.

Elow elow elow Dear Reader! So, today, I bought new set of earrings and I realized, I haven't really talked about my piercing experience. So, I thought maybe I should answer some common questions about my piercings and piercing in general. How many piercings do you have? As of the moment, I have a total of six individual piercings. Three on the left ear, three on the right. When did you get them and why? 1. The first pair was done when I was four or five years old. I remember my father bringing me to a little health center and telling me to just tilt my head and that was it. I don't have much to say about this piercing because it was like a "default" kind of thing - sort of a tradition or one of those mandatory things a girl has to go through-  so nothing special in this pair. Also, I was too young to remember how it felt like. Too young to even comprehend. But I remember being happy having the privilege to wear such pretty gold earrings. I had the rest ...

Review: In2it Waterproof Single Blush in Charm

This post is dedicated to my boyfriend's sister who loves to rave about in2it products. She loves the brand so much she's literally into it. (Can I get an A for that intro?) Anyways, one of the things I noticed about her is the beautiful shine she has on her cheeks - not greasy type of shine - but a lovely flash of highlight. So, I thought of trying out in2it's blush for the first time. When I went there, most of their blushes were sold out. The sales assistant said their blushes are their best sellers- no doubt about it. So, I asked her what shade can she recommend for my skin tone and she confidently suggested the shade "Charm." I tried out some of their blushes, pink ones in general, but Charm really stood out for me. The sales assistant was right, Charm definitely suites me better. In2it Waterproof Single Blush in Charm is a peach blush with gold shimmers. I, for one, am afraid of shimmers because my face tends to become very oily and to add more shi...

Inspired by Mona Lisa Smile: Christian Dior Rouge Dolce Vita 014

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Wedding Bliss: Catholic Wedding @ San Juan dela Cruz Parish

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EOS Lip Balm, Overrated?

I was looking at old photos in my computer and I saw these cute pictures of EOS Lipbalm and I remembered how much I love this product but I shelved it for various reasons. EOS and I had some good times, you know. I enjoyed the days when kissing it feels fruity on my lips. But then, I have slowly fallen out of love from it. It wasn't because it was a horrible product but because it didn't last on me and I think there’s so many lip balms out there that offers better service than just cute packaging and fruity taste.  Let me give you the details of our love story. This product became popular last year because of its cute packaging. So many beauty gurus raved about it but lately, it has been categorized under overrated product list. (Source) It got me into thinking if EOS lip balm is really an overrated product. Why did I shelved this product anyway? I remembered it was a year ago when I got my EOS lip balm in strawberry sorbet. Believe you me, I was so freaki...

TURNING PAGES: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

When I was in kindergarten, I had a hard time understanding Math specifically the lesson in  “greater than- less than-equal to” equations. My mother, being a teacher, helped me understand the lesson by using analogy . In a manner of storytelling, she told me that the sign corresponding greater than/less than/equal to is  Pacman  (the famous computer game back then), while the numbers in the equation represent the amount of apples . She told me I have to point Pacman’s mouth to the larger amount so he can eat more apples. I never failed at greater than/less than/equal to lesson ever again. SOURCE: h ttp:// Outliers  by Malcolm Gladwell is a lot like my mom’s way of teaching me Math. It is composed of analogies and stories that helped me understand the wisdom behind success. It will not tell you what to do, it will ask you to analyze the roots of success and w...

Inspired by JLO's Nude Lips: In2it Moisture Intense Lipstick in Orange Fizz

I have always been on the hunt for a nice nude lipstick that can beautifully mute my pigmented lips. The desire to rummage around for the best neutral lipstick started when I would always see myself being drawn to wearing dark hues of eyeshadows, only to find out I have no nude lipstick to pair it with. I would always end up wearing light pink lipstick which I think is just fine but I wish I could have a neutral colored lipstick so the eyeshadows can pop rather than making the lipstick clash to the eye make-up. Should I say my hunt is always a fail. Sometimes, it’s too pale, too light, a lot of browns, lots of pinks, always a fail. What I really want to have is the kind of lipstick that will definitely erase my lips but won’t make me appear sickly. Arrrgh! Women are such confused beings! Anyways, this is how nude I want my lipstick to be… Girl crushing is on! I always wonder how JLO rock the nude up until I saw I video of youtuber Jenn Im where the girl uses not brown or light...